Our firewood is seasoned hardwood consisting of a fine blend of oak, locust, cherry, and maple. Different woods have different benefits. For example, oak burns longer than some but tends to smolder with less flame. Oak is also harder to get started and is more expensive in terms of cost. As such, using a mix of hardwoods ensures a beautiful, easy-to-start, and long-lasting fire. Our blend takes advantage of each type of wood and its benefits. We also stock a small amount of hickory and cherry wood for cooking needs!
Bear Landscaping’s wood is cut at approximately 16 to 18 inches long.
Please call or contact us ahead of time if you are picking up firewood and would like it to be loaded by machine. Our employees are not always on-site, so calling ahead ensures that we can be there for you!
Our delivery services are available locally. We’ll bring your order right to your driveway, and our trucks will dump the wood in any safe, accessible location you may desire.
NOTE: Dump location is at the discretion of the driver, as we would like to avoid damage to your property and landscaping.